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Background and history of Tracey Prince Property Transformations.

Thank you for taking an interest in Tracey Prince Property Transformations. I purchased my first property when I was just 18 years old for £18,000 with my fiance - a three bedroomed terrace on a sort after road. I managed to totally turn this property around after completing a major refurbishment and I was delighted when the neighbours came to admire what I hade achieved. A little naive of me at the time, I went on to put this property on the market and sold it to a mature gentleman who gave a cash bid and shook on a sale of £26,000. Of course, he placed it straight back on the market and sold it for £54,000 - this was my first property learning experience at the age of 21 years old. I went on to purchase a three bedroomed detached house on yet another very sort after road. Still just 21 years old, I got married and had my first child (a little girl...bless!) but still found time to dramatically transform this house by installing new windows, an extension, playroom, conservatory, new patio and kitchen. Again, the neighbours called to see what I had done and gave it their seal of approval. Eventually, I put this property on the market with the estate agents 'Oulsnams' and told them I would like to hold an open weekend which, back then, was unheard of at the time. Oulsnams agreed it would be a great idea and I went on to sell the property that very weekend! We had two couples wanting the property and sold to the people in the best position.

After selling this property, I went on to have another two children (boys this time - a wonderful handful) and then purchased a bungalow in a prestigious location. The transformations continued. I did a minor refurbishment and placed it on the open market and again sold it to a cash buyer with a handshake. On this occasion however, the purchaser dropped his offer at the last hour, but learning from my previous experience, I refused to let this house go. Instead, I decided to totally transform this property ('The Courtlands') on a large scale and this can be seen by visiting the More(1) page.

From start to finish, it took a total of twelve months to give The Courtlands a first class transformation and it is because of this and my previous work that I have been inspired to set up TPPT. I will always carry on transforming properties and you can see more of my work over the coming months, so please be sure to pay another visit the New Projects page of my web site.

In addition, I have also helped family and friends over the years to get the most out of their properties and showing anyone at this present time how to transform their homes very simply or dramatically is another service I offer and one I am extremely passionate about and find natural to achieve. Whether you would like to create a more usable home for yourself and your lifestyle or would simply like me to help you sell your property by getting it in shape for open weekends, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to work along side your agent or private sale.

Finally, these are extremely challenging economic times, but with my experience of selling houses in probably one of the blackest of markets, I am confident that I can transform your property so you will ultimately be the first to sell.

Assuring you of my very best attention at all times.


Tracey Prince.



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